What’s inside the Team Report?

1. Group Domain Comparison 

This report provides an in-depth analysis of the distribution of strengths within a group across four distinct domains: Doing, Thinking, Feeling, and Motivating. Each domain represents a fundamental aspect of how strengths manifest and contribute to the group's overall dynamics and effectiveness.

  • Doing Domain: Strengths concentrated in this domain exhibit a tendency for action and execution. They excel in organizing tasks, setting and achieving goals, and driving projects forward with efficiency.
  • Thinking Domain: Within this domain, groups showcase strengths in critical thinking, problem-solving, and strategic decision-making. They possess a keen ability to absorb and analyze information, evaluate options, and formulate well-informed strategies.
  • Feeling Domain: Groups characterized by strengths in the Feeling domain prioritize interpersonal relationships, collaboration, and team cohesion. They excel in fostering a supportive and inclusive environment where team members feel valued and connected.
  • Motivating Domain: Strengths concentrated in the Motivating domain empower groups to take initiative, inspire action, and lead effectively. These groups are adept at fostering communication, advocating for ideas, and ensuring all voices are heard and valued.

2. Group Fit Score

The Group Fit Score measures the degree of similarity among strengths within the group, ranging from 0 to 100. A higher score indicates greater alignment and similarity among team members' strengths, suggesting a higher potential for natural collaboration and synergy. Conversely, a lower score implies a more diverse mix of strengths within the group, which can lead to complementary skill sets and perspectives.

3. Team Strengths Profile

The Team Strengths Profile offers a comprehensive overview of the group's unique strengths composition, providing insights into what distinguishes the team collectively. By examining the individual sequences of strengths within the group, this report helps team leaders and members understand the collective strengths that drive team performance and effectiveness. 

4. Group Strengths Culture

This analysis delves into how the combined strengths of the group influence its culture, dynamics, and performance. By assessing the group's action orientation and people orientation, it provides valuable insights into how the group approaches tasks, decision-making, collaboration, and interpersonal relationships

5. Group Strengths Grid

The Group Strengths Grid offers a visual representation of how individual strengths contribute to the overall group dynamics. It highlights areas of strength concentration and gaps within the group, allowing leaders and team members to identify areas of synergy and opportunities for development. The grid provides a holistic view of the group's strengths landscape, enabling informed decisions and strategic planning.

6. Group Watch Outs

While dominant strengths align group actions and behaviors, they may also pose risks when overused or unchecked. This section identifies potential pitfalls associated with dominant strengths within the group and provides guidance on how to mitigate these risks effectively.

7. Group Unique Contributions

Recognizing and leveraging each member's unique strengths is essential for maximizing the group's collective potential. This report highlights individual contributions and provides actionable insights on how to leverage these strengths for the benefit of the team.

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