How can I delete my account?

We understand that circumstances may change, and you might no longer wish to maintain an account on the HIGH5 platform. If you've decided to delete your account for any reason, rest assured that we've streamlined the process to make it as simple as possible. In this knowledge base entry, we'll walk you through the steps to permanently delete your account. 

1. Head to the "Settings" section of your dashboard 

In order to access your account information, including the option to delete your account,  you will need to navigate to the "Settings" section of the platform from your personal dashboard. 

2. Delete your HIGH5 account 

Scroll to the bottom of the "Setting" page to find the option of deleting your account and after careful consideration click the "Delete" button. 

NOTE: Unused licenses, reports, subscriptions, and the remaining time in the current billing cycle will not be refunded. Therefore, we encourage you to use them before you delete your account.

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