How is HIGH5 different from CliftonStrengths?

HIGH5 and CliftonStrengths, formerly known as StrengthsFinder, differ not only in their assessment frameworks but also in their underlying philosophies regarding talents and strengths.

CliftonStrengths focuses on identifying and developing innate talents, defined as recurring patterns of thought, feeling, or behavior that can be productively applied. These talents are categorized into 34 signature themes and are seen as inherent attributes that individuals possess to varying degrees.

On the other hand, HIGH5 emphasizes the concept of strengths, which are defined as something a person is naturally good at, energized by and finds meaning in. Strengths, such as catalyst, storyteller, emphasizer, and problem solver, are valued traits that contribute to personal fulfillment, engagement, and flourishing. Unlike talents, which may be more narrowly focused on specific abilities or aptitudes, strengths encompass a broader range of motivational attributes that can be cultivated and applied across various contexts. By focusing on strengths rather than just talents, HIGH5 offers a more proactive and empowering approach to self-development. Moreover, strengths-based development encourages individuals to adopt a positive mindset, cultivate a sense of purpose, and build stronger relationships with others.

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