What’s inside the Working Together report?

1. Strengths Domain Comparison

This visual representation illustrates how two individuals' strengths align across four distinct domains: Doing, Thinking, Feeling, and Motivating. Each domain signifies a broader category of strengths and their interrelation.

  • Strengths in the "doing domain" denote adeptness in organization, goal achievement, and effective task execution.
  • Strengths in the "thinking domain" reflect skills in absorbing and analyzing information for better decision-making and facilitating consideration of diverse perspectives.
  • Strengths in the "feeling domain" indicate proficiency in nurturing relationships, fostering team cohesion, and enhancing collective synergy.
  • Strengths in the "motivating domain" signify assertiveness, effective communication, and ensuring equitable participation within the team.

2. Personal Fit

The Personal Fit Score quantifies the similarity of strengths between two individuals, ranging from 0 to 100. A score of 0 suggests complete dissimilarity, while 100 indicates maximum alignment. Lower scores imply greater diversity, potentially leading to complementary strengths, while higher scores suggest more overlap and natural affinity.

3. Full Profile Comparison

This section compares the comprehensive strengths profiles of two individuals, highlighting areas of consistency and disproportion. It provides a visual overview of the strengths sequences to identify shared traits and potential areas of difference.

4. Shared Strengths

The table shows the strengths that both individuals have in their HIGH5. Shared strengths signify commonalities in thinking and behavior, fostering mutual understanding and rapport. However, overlooking these similarities may lead to conflict if not acknowledged.

5. Complementary Strengths

This segment identifies strengths that complement each other, offering the greatest potential for synergy. These differences represent areas where one individual excels while the other may benefit from support. Recognizing and leveraging complementary strengths enhances collaboration and reduces potential conflicts. There are also actionable tips accompanying each complementary strength to provide guidance on how to create mutual benefit within the relationship.

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